Wakey wakey horse people, it’s Friday the 13th, what could possibly go wrong. What a wild day yesterday was in the world and in the horse world. I kinda feel like you do when your horse ducks out from under you and your left hanging in the air. I am not even sure where to start this morning so much has happened since we got together yesterday morning.

First thing, if you are looking for a break from this madness, take a listen to Horses in the Morning on your favorite podcast players. We got all serious on Wednesday but Jamie and I will be back today to morning drive radio for the horse world.

Last night Erin Gilmore and I did the evening Coronavirus FB live and went over a ton of closings. Plus, we had listener Jill, a flight nurse, on to give her perspective. Find all the videos on Horses in the Morning FB page.

There were so many closings yesterday in the horse world it looked like cross country day at the Kentucky Three Day event (formally known as Rolex, now known as Land Rover). They said yesterday it is still on and they are talking to the Gov of KY. Smart of them to hold out and wait and see, it isn’t till the end of April. One a side note, how can these expensive watch companies afford to do all this sports advertising? Are that many people buying Rolex and Longines watches? If you own one I want you to post a picture in the comments below.

Today, instead of listing all the things that are closed, I would check with your local show. We heard of probably 100 that are rescheduled or postponed. The Horse Sport website had a good run down.

I wanted to focus on an action that you can take in your boarding and lesson barns. Equinox Farm LLC in Michigan (30 horses and lesson program) watched the video with Dr. Rebecca Gimenez Husted and I a couple of nights ago and took action and implemented a plan at their barn the next day. They shared it with us, so we could share it with you to make your planning easier. I can’t express how important it is to act today, this thing is one big roadrunner snowball heading downhill fast. (And, someone actually watched the video, yeah!)

Plan for a Boarding Barn in a Corona World: (I modified Equinox post a bit because I am naughty that way.)

The following is instituted immediately for the Boarders and lesson takers:

1. All visitation from outside the immediate boarder’s family is prohibited. Farm tours are canceled. No friends or extended family are allowed on farm property.

2. If you are sick (even with the slightest symptoms) STAY HOME and don’t come messing around here with your germy germs.

3. If you or someone in your household is diagnosed with COVID-19, self-quarantine and stay home for 14 days. This means you do not leave your home. No gas stations, grocery stories, drug stores, etc. PLAN for this – it’s not all about having enough TP. (Although I argue that not enough TP would suck too.)

4. As always, follow good hygiene practices. Keep your personal space at least 6 feet from each other. Do not congregate in areas and do not make out in the hay loft. We know what happens up there.

5. THINK about what will happen if you are quarantined. Make sure the farm knows all your procedures with your horse. Supplements / baggies / medications should be prepared for a minimum 30 day supply.

6. If all our staff is quarantined and someone in our household gets sick, the entire farm will be quarantined and shutdown to all outside people – including boarders, lesson takers and farriers. Veterinarians allowed only for emergencies.

7. It is vitally important to stay home if you or someone in your household is ill. Please take this weekend to prepare, plan and inform us of any daily routines you’d need to have performed if you are unable to come to the barn due to illness.
What we are doing to get ready as your trusted horsey boarding facility.

1. Maintaining an inventory of grain, hay and bedding for a month.

2. First aid horse supplies have been restocked.

3. Employees have been notified to stay home when sick and to self-quarantine if a family member has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

4. Commonly touched surfaces will be disinfected daily, ie. Light switches, hydrant handles, etc.

5. Alcohol based sanitizers have been placed in the grooming aisle for general use. Supply is limited – use as last resort. Washing hands with soap and water should be priority.
Follow all the updates at: https://horsesinthemorning.com/category/corona/
Corona Virus Info and links: http://www.coronavirusinfoandlinks.com
Last night’s FB Live: https://www.facebook.com/horsesinthemorning/videos/3405119299503522/

My Final Thought for the Day: I see people whining about things being cancelled. I mean Disney World closed, that is unprecedented. I am glad that everyone is taking it so seriously, that is the only way we are going to get through this quickly. No contact is the only way we stop this thing. Scientists from several major institutions indicated that the novel form of coronavirus behind a worldwide outbreak can survive in the air for several hours.

The less we are out and with other people the faster we are all back at horse shows and work. If we weren’t taking these steps now we could be at this for 6+ months. Be smart and be safe.

My Final Final Thought for the Day: I got curious and looked up what people did before Toilet Paper and all I can say is ouch! I got this from a website called toilet paper history (I am not shitting you  Before the advent of modern toilet paper many different materials were used for the same purposes. Different materials were used depending upon the country, weather conditions, social customs and status.

People used leaves, grass, ferns, corn cobs (OMG), maize, fruit skins (did they have to peel an orange to go number 2), seashells (what?), stone, sand (wow, that doesn’t sound comfortable), moss, snow and water. The simplest way was physical use of one’s hand (ewwwwwwwww). Wealthy people usually used wool, lace or hemp (another use for that plant, hemp keeps on giving).

OMG, I hope they make more toilet paper!